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Evelynn: Your guide to invisible Elo.

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The Mini Map:

Too Hardcore
Too Hardcore

Before we talk about how to climb with Evelynn, we firstly need to talk about map awareness and map pressure. Your mini-map is the most important companion. Many of us feel quite lost and despite checking the mini map every 5 seconds, they still get ganked, they see the jungler and don’t ping him or tell that information to the team or keep it in mind. The game now isn’t just about your individual skill. It’s more about how much information you have ( unless they have a fed Darius).

Things  to look for when checking the mini map.

You check the mini map for 2 reasons. 

The first one is watching red circles which are the enemy. If they’re close to the blue ones, it means that they’re fighting or trading. If there’s a deep ward and you see the jungler going bot, you know who’s gonna feed. You only look to the mini map to check those red circles. If the mid laner isn’t mid, you ping him missing. If your mid laner is low hp and recalling, their mid laner is either basing or going for a roaming. So the first thing to look for is the red circles. It let’s you know what’s going to happen, who’s gonna die, who’s gonna feed, who’s getting ganked and the jungle path.

The second thing is checking wards. That’s it really..

Hotkeys are important. Instead of long pressing the left click to check a lane, you can bind your team mates to a hotkey and press it for quick access. It’s really really helpful and saves a lot of time checking. Combine that with the first benefit of checking the mini map and your tp ganks are gonna be at least 3 seconds earlier which can be the difference between winning a fight or losing it.


Now, onto the actual guide. 

Evelynn is a snowball invisible illusionist jungler. The amount of plays and mind games you can do with her are immense if you know what you’re doing and this guide will help not only win the game but also win it with style and the best part is making at least 2 of the enemy team as angry as a fed Rengar.

The purpose of picking Evelynn is snowballing the game so out of hands and you have 2 jobs with her.

  • The first one is one shot an enemy target.
  • The second one is early game presence.
  • The third one is tilting the enemy because it’s just fun to do and it’s a very satisfying feeling actually.

Tips and tricks:

Most of the junglers in 6.19 has been nerfed and not many are gonna be buffed either. In fact even in 6.20 graves is gonna get nerfed. The meta is shifting to a more farming junglers who don’t usually invade that much other than a lee sin or a khazix.

Hug this wall
Hug this wall

1- Be smart about your jungle path. They’ll probably invade you because they know that your early clear is probably one of the worst in the whole game so it’s better to start bot lane to have 2 players leashing and start red buff just to make sure you get that buff.

2- You can go for a cheese gank if you have like a good CC support ( blitz, braum, thresh.. etc) who are becoming more common now since soraka has been nerfed.

3- In terms of jungle clear, always position yourself in such a way that your Q will hit all the monsters in the camp  ( usually standing beside a small monster). Basic attack the small minions for faster and a more efficient clear.

3- Utilizing your passive. This one right here is the reason why you’ll tilt half of the players in your gold elo. You can gank mid lane for example and purposely  reveal yourself then head where you don’t wanna go for example top lane and wait till your passive kicks in and go back mid or bot. The point here is tricking your enemy into thinking that they know where you’ll be heading while in fact, you’re feeding them false information.

Combos & skill order:

You’ll almost always wanna start with your Q ( Hate spikes ) and maxing it for faster jungle clearing. Maxing your E second, W third and your ulti whenever possible.

One Shot combo: Smite>Ulti>W>(item of choice) E>Q ( if you have a mouse or a keyboard that can record macro, it would definitely help  you).


I prefer taking red smite because the damage is more than blue smite and taking in consideration how fragile Evelynn is, the damage reduction is always welcomed.

Ulti: Your ultimate deals percent current health damage so starting your combo with your ultimate will be utilizing it to the maximum and double the damage if their flash is on cooldown.

Using W afterwards cuz they’ll probably run and you’ll need to catch them.

Item of choice: This part we’re gonna talk about it below in how to build Evelynn section.

E: it’s your highest damage spell and your Q because it’s the only spell left. There’s also void staff active.. Be sure to bind that to your F12.


There’re multiple ways to build Evelynn.

The most common one now is runic into protobuild.

This will provide a lot of burst and you’ll probably always build a squishy enemy from 100% to zero in an instant if you have fast fingers.

Full build should be like this:

Rabadon's deathcap
Rabadon’s deathcap
Lich bane
Lich bane
Void staff
Void staff
Hextech protobelt 01
Hextech protobelt 01

Runic Echo > Protobuild > Boots of choice > Lich bane > Void Staff > Rabadon’s deathcap 

Off-meta builds:

Guardian angel
Guardian angel
Warrior enchant
Warrior enchant
Maw of malmortius
Maw of malmortius
Duskblade of draktharr
Duskblade of draktharr

Warrior enchant > Ghostblade > Duskblade > Maw of Malmortius > Boots of choice > Guardian Angel. 

This build is also good for one shot because the ap and ad scaling on Evelynn are almost identical. I’ve tested it many times and it actually works and the damage is so surprising.

Tank Evelynn: 

Titanic hydra
Titanic hydra
Dead man's plate
Dead man’s plate
Iceborn gauntlet
Iceborn gauntlet
Warrior enchant
Warrior enchant
Spirit visage
Spirit visage

Warrior enchant > Titanic hydra > Boots of choice > Dead man’s plate > Righteous glory > Spirit visage or Iceborn according to the enemy team.

Much like the holy trinity ( strength of ages, sunfire and iceborn) from a couple of patches ago which you could buy on any champion and completely change the assassin play style into a more tanky yet lots of damage playstyle. This patch the attack speed, Titanic hydra and dead man’s plate are the holy trinity. They’ve been getting more and more popular and tested on many champions especially Shyvana and Master Yi, they actually work so well.


You’ll be building your runes according to which you build you wanna follow.

If you’re going the ap build, use this one. 

Ap runes
Ap runes

If you’re going the tanky or the ad build, use this one. 

Ad Runes
Ad Runes


You’ll be taking thunderlord because you proc so quickly to help with your overall damage and burst.


Summoner spells:





The standard smite flash are great for most situations but you can always switch flash with ignite if your guts are big enough to handle the pressure you want to apply.


Evelynn isn’t really a mechanically complicated champion. It’s easy and most of the things you need to play her, you already know it. You just need to adjust your play style a bit and you’ll be carrying your games pretty much solo.

Early game: 

This is where you shine most of the time. Your early ganks and constant pressure will determine how the game will go. Always opt for lane gank when the lanes are pushed or if they’re pushing. Keep your distance and come from your lane and wait till the end of the fight and steal all the kills. It’s all about timing so that you get the kills before they kill your team in small skrims. Make sure to take a turret or dragon whenever you end a fight because your goal is to end the game as fast as possible. If their khazix is dead, free dragon. If their khazix is top, free bot kills and free dragon. If they don’t have a khazix, pray that they don’t have a zac. If they do have a zac, give the wheel to God.

Mid Game:

This is when your power really shines. That’s when you complete your 2 items and stat bursting someone from 100% to Zero in less than a second. Stay behind your team and never go for a straight 5 on 5 because your flanks is one of the best in the game. Wait for the enemy team to initiate and flank them from behind and one shot the enemy squishy. You’ll be tanky enough to run with your W and shield from ulti. It’s a huge shield so try to land this on as many champions as you can.

Late game: 

For the lack of a better term, you’re kinda fu*ked. Late game for Evelynn is one of the hardest so always opt to end the game before 35 minutes.  At this point, they’re so fed and 5 v 5 teamfights are gonna be so hard if you don’t play it right. Search for opportunities to single an enemy squishy because of what you did in the early game ganking him so hard, they’ll be willing to split push a lot. So always keep your eyes on the mini and stalk him like a crazy girlfriend.

Congratulations. You’ve now succeeded in being an invisible carry. All you need to do is insta lock Evelynn in your gold 1 promo ranked and show them how it’s done. If you get support, be sure to dodge. 


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